Thursday, February 2, 2012

Living in Grace

Wow. it’s been a really long time since I have written a blog.  Well maybe I didn’t have very much to say.  (Those who know me well don’t believe that.)

I have been thinking about Grace lately.  I had a relative named Grace – I can picture her but I never really knew her but I liked her name.  Grace is a popular name again, maybe for mostly Christian people but I am not sure about that.  Any way I always like it when in a Bible study group when the teacher tries to explain the difference between grace and mercy – just heard it last Sunday again.  Grace is getting what we don’t deserve and mercy s not getting what we do deserve. 

I was walking the other day and for some reason a picture formed in my mind of a huge umbrella that was covering my friends and family.  The umbrella had G-R-A-C-E printed on it and everyone under it was safe from the injuries of life.  Maybe from the above definition it should have said Mercy.

We know that the ultimate grace is what our Lord provided for us in forgiving our sins by dying on the cross even when we didn’t deserve it.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could live our life showing grace (and mercy as well) to one another in all circumstances?  Just think how nice it would be if we could be graceful in our relationships with one another.

The dictionary says grace is - 1. beauty of form, manner, motion or action, 2. pleasing or attractive quality,  3. favor or goodwill, and some synonyms are kindness and love.

I choose to live a graceful life or a life full of grace to the people around me starting with my family spreading to my friends and acquaintances.  Some things I can do to live this out 
is to be helpful, giving of myself, being kind and not judgmental or critical.  I am sure that list could go on and on.  Wow, I see a big umbrella and hopefully I can make a difference to everyone under it.